I’ve been on a lot of girl’s trips over the years. Some just for a few days at a local beach through to several weeks in a foreign country. Most have been fantastic and its a great opportunity to spend some quality time with some of your favourite people without having to worry about housework, kids, work or any other real commitments other than having fun.

There have, however, been one or two issues that I’ve learnt a lot from and looking back on everything I think these are the things that are important to get right ;

  1. Pick the right people. If you’re the one organising the trip, think carefully about the personalities in the group, especially if people are going to be sharing rooms. If someone else is organising it is do you know everyone in the group and if not how willing are you to potentially share a room ( or bed) with someone you don’t know ?
  2. Get the money sorted. Before anyone buys a single drink make sure you’ve all agreed on what approach the group will take with money. Some people like to use a Kitty ( ie. pool an agreed amount each day).  I like to keep a note of all expenses over $5 each day and then do a reconciliation and adjustment after each destination or town, depending on the trip ( when waiting for a flight or sitting around a train station perhaps) . Sometimes its easy for everyone to just pay as they go – but make sure you stick with that.
  3. Make sure everything at home is organised. Nothing worse than being away and worrying about who’s doing school pick up or feeding the dog. Or even worse, fielding constant phone calls from people back home. Leave lists, send emails – but make sure it’s all clear before you leave!
  4. Leave romance outside the hotel. If you are single and find  a romantic interest on your break keep any shenanigans offsite. One of the worst weekends I had involved some random guy in our house for the entire time and one of the girls had to sleep on the couch. Not fun, not respectful and actually, kinda risky.
  5. Go with an open mind. Be prepared to try new things and do stuff you might not normally. It will help keep the status quo and you never know, you might just love it!